★ art commissions info ★


- please check the guidelines before booking -

waist up size
from 45 eur
full body size
from 60 eur

- different portrait sizes are available on request -

how to book an art commission
contact me via email at [email protected] and include infos about your comms such as :
✧ the type of commission (waist up, full body etc.)
✧ character description like appearance, outfits, accessories, a certain pose or any other thing that you want me to add to the character design (even infos for the character sheet)
✧ add reference pics (optional)
✧ we're going to discuss about your idea and set up you commission and the final price
I accept all payments upfront the work
✧ via paypal - I'm gonna need some of your personal infos (name, address) to fill the official invoice
✧ via patreon shop - no personal infos needed
delivery time depends on different factors, waitlist length, design complexity etc
✧ consider up to 3 weeks
certain design requests might change the final price
✧ additional character in the same canvas + 90% of the original price
✧ wings (any type) + 10 eur
✧ alternative outfit + 60%
✧ complex outfits , design
✧ additional artworks in the same canvas - like objects or small animals
✧ if your idea doesnt fit into any of my 'basic' offers - we can set up a new price based on the complexity of the design
✧ adding infos about the character is not considered an extra
final consideration
✧ I can decline any commission request
✧ no refunds
✧ I can post you commission on my page unless you want to keep it private - if so, please inform me -
✧ if you post the artwork on the web, you have to mention me as the artist